Sunday, 23 December 2012

When did Jesus start his ministry?

So you're probably thinking he was thirty, or it was around 30AD. You might also be thinking "what is ministry?"

I can't imagine the God I worship just being content to wait around till he was thirty - it just doesn't make sense. Jesus was amazing at using seemingly insignificant situations (often inconvenient to him) and even when he was under attack to gently and/or firmly point out Gods love, mercy, kindness, and (loaded word) grace and in so doing inspired, amazed, healed and restored more people than there are verses than are in the bible.

It doesn't say it but there is a healthy respect between John and his cousin long before the mention of sandal tying (just imagine the two young boys playing together and the older helping the younger put his sandals back on next to the sandpit) and Jesus asking to be baptized by him. There isn't a lot of info about his time of "growing up" except people's response to him and his lack of stranger danger in the temple at age 12, but surely he did not separate himself from his village and become a hermit? Surely he worked in the family business and studied the scriptures, but had a bit of a rep and experienced friendship.

But even before this

Children are a blessing from God and the longer a couple or a family wait for a kid, the greater the pressure on the mum during pregnancy and the greater the joy once the child is born. Once they are born there is lots of ooing and ahhhing and then mum and dad get on with the business of being being mum and dad (in whatever way works for them). This is often filled with plenty of sleeplessness but there are those beautiful moments which soothe the soul as the baby sleeps, or the baby's wraps around yours or the eyes open and the first smile forms.

Now imagine that the God of creation is born as a little helpless baby. No crying he makes is a bit of a stretch but you just know that baby Jesus' focus is going to be on communicating God's love right from the start in whatever he chooses and whatever way is going to be most readily understood to whoever is most readily available (shepherds, wise men, local choir).

Jesus ministry starts from his birth (maybe before if you count the whole thing with Elizabeth) and not when he was thirty. God had his reasons for getting those three action packed wisdom filled years recorded in the gospels and why the tales of teenage Jesus are scant, but he wasn't cut off in preparation.

So what?

Firstly, never underestimate the place of children in providing care, support, ministry and healing to the hurting - particularly not at Christmas. (By logically this also means empowering, training and equipping them but it also means giving them a sense of value and worth that goes beyond what they can do)

Secondly, follow Jesus' example of making every moment of every day count for God.

Thirdly, never ever forget the importance of the theology behind sharing our frail human form. He knows what it is to go through every aspect of our life from babyhood, to adulthood. Our responses should be appreciation, respect and trust. Every time we face dangers, troubles and frustrations we should be turning to God who became a baby for us because he loves us for he we are.

Merry Christmas