Thursday, 7 July 2011

What dads say

While I was on my holiday I had to say these things to my boys...

Don't worry, I'm right here.
Just wait!
Could you help me by carrying this?
Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.
Up you get.
Do you want a hug?
Isn't this amazing?
I told you that if you kept on doing it, eventually it would land on the roof.
You've got to do more than say sorry.

There were lots of times when I asked for help to do things I was quite capable of doing myself. I wasn't being lazy, I was giving them small amounts of responsibility with the opportunity for praise and encouragement.

There were times when they asked me questions that I could have given the real answer to, but they just wouldn't have understood, especially the pyroclastic flow, so I just simplified it.
This exactly the same as my relationship with God. These are all things that he has said to me (especially "just wait!"). Does this mean that I am trying to play God? No. I am just being a Dad who loves his kids. This is the relationship that Jesus says we should have with God when he teaches the disciples to pray.
Unfortunately, this also shows me that when God gently nudges me along, he is actually seeing me as a 3-5 year old: not in a patronizing way, but in a gentle, understanding, caring and eternally patient kind of way.

So go through what I said to the boys; God is saying it to me, and God is probably saying that to you too.


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